Mixed Zelda Midi´s

Here are some off the many Zelda mixes I have. Any one you miss? Send me an E-mail and say which mix is missing. On to the list......

Zelda Mixed Midi´s List

Caribian Zelda Mix
OverWorld tune with Caribian twist

DarkWorld mix
A mixed DarkWorld theme

Gerudo Mix
Great mix!!

Gerudo Techno Mix
Gerudo theme with a techno twist

OverWorld Jazz Mix
OverWorld theme with jazz twist. Sounds Okay

OverWorld Water Mix
One of the best midi´s I own. Brilliant!!

Saria´s Dance Mix
Mixed Lost Woods theme..

Windmill Mix
Mystical and weird at the same time

The Legend of Zelda Mix
One of the mostly used Zelda Mixes on the Net

Zelda Overture
Massive 9 Minutes!! Mixed with different themes from Zelda 1,2 and 3

Gerudo Valley ReMix
The Web is lot full of these, but this one really rocks.

Lost Woods Dance Mix
Sounds like Sarias dance mix, but it´s not the same

Lost Woods Latin Mix
A Latin mix of the Lost Woods theme

Overworld Dance Mix
A great Overworld mix. Agreeable one of the best

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